Event: Upholding the rights of people detained in ATUs

Tue 24 July 2018, 14:00 – 16:00 

A meeting to discuss how the law can be used to help people with learning disabilities or autism detained in assessment and treatment units (“ATUs”) or other facilities. The meeting will be an opportunity for families of detained people to outline the human rights issues facing their relatives, and for lawyers (solicitors and barristers) to listen and think.

At the meeting we will try to cluster the various legal issues that arise in ATUs and understand the reasons why people are detained in ATUs at all, and for so long. After the meeting, lawyers can figure out how the law may be used to challenge these various different aspects. We will then develop a plan for strategic litigation. Strategic litigation or “test cases” are legal proceedings that help an individual and highlight systemic problems and put pressure on the authorities to solve these problems.


  • People with a son or daughter (or other relative) currently or previously detained in an ATU
  • Independent Mental Health Advocates working in ATUs
  • Solicitors or barristers willing to provide legal advice and representation to people in ATUs
  • Representatives of campaigning charities, small disability charities and statutory bodies such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission

For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/upholding-the-rights-of-people-detained-in-atus-tickets-47505441053?aff=efbneb