Regulation – What could it mean for Independent Advocacy

Regulation – What could it mean for Independent Advocacy

Join Kate Mercer (BlackBelt Advocacy) and Gail Petty (NDTi) in a discussion exploring the possible pros and cons of regulation within the advocacy community.

Independent Advocacy has been evolving and growing for 40 years. From a grass roots movement we are now a massively diverse community including volunteers, self advocates and paid roles.

An increase in statutory advocacy within recent times has seen a shift towards more commissioning and monitoring. For some, standardisation and professionalism has been welcomed as a way to increase standards, quality and consistency. For others it represents a threat to independence and a sanitisation or ‘Professionalising’ of the role without the guarantee of improved quality. And of course, there are a range of views in between.

The Mental Health Act White Paper has posed the question whether IMHAs should be regulated or have enhanced accreditation. We believe that now is the time for us to come together as one community to discuss whether we want advocacy (not just IMHA) to be regulated.

Join this meeting if you would like to take part in an informal but honest discussion to explore whether regulation is something the advocacy community feels is a help or hindrance.

Further information and how to book are available in this flyer