Update from the NDTi team

A quick update from us at NDTI!  You’ll have noticed that our regular updates have slowed down since the summer.  Our initial Lottery funding which enabled us to get lots of COVID updates out to you all and to hold our catch-up sessions has now come to an end.  We’ll still get newsletter’s out, but these will be less frequent.

For those of you who are undertaking QPM or who are due to renew your QPM award, we want to reassure you that the QPM Assessor team are continuing to undertake your assessments and have been doing remote site visits via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.  We really miss getting out and meeting you all in person, but remote visits are working well and we will continue to work in this way for now.  If you are wanting to renew your QPM award, please complete your Pre Assessment Questionnaire here. We look forward to working with you!